WOW! I can't believe how fast the last 8 months have gone by!!
They have been good, bad, wonderful, miserable, and fun all at the same time!
Last night was the best night of my entire pregnancy! :-)
(I started writing this on the day this happened...finishing it a little later though :-) oh well)
Jim and I were listening to John Schmidt. For those of you who do not know his work...shame on you! He is an amazing piano player and singer...and I'm sure anything else if he tried it. I guess our wonderful daughter agrees with this! haha because for about an hour she moved like crazy to piano music. Every time the music would stop, whether it was switching songs or Jim stopped it, I would get a foot in my rib cage or something else equally painful. It was as if she was saying, "hey! I was listening to that!"
Then we decided to try some other types of music but if it didn't have piano in it, she didn't care for it, which I find very humorous. As long as it was fast piano, she would move. In the slow piano parts she wouldn't move, but she wouldn't kick me either...unless Jim turned down the volume, because then I guess she couldn't hear it.
My favorite moment of the night was when Jim put on "Dumb Song" by Jon Schmidt and at one point in the song there was a steady thump of the base, low and behold! sure enough! my belly started bouncing along with the beat! :-) OUR DAUGHTER HAS RYTHM IN THE WOMB!!! I was very glad Jim saw it too, otherwise I would have thought I was crazy! Haha!
Alot of the time Jim was so excited to find a song that he liked that would make her move too, that he missed her actually moving! It was adorable, and quite frustrating at the same time. (don't worry I love him for it!)
I was surprised that she like the piano music so much. I've heard all the time about pregnant women feeling their babies move like crazy to all kinds of music! I tried all sorts of music but never thought to try just piano. Honestly I was beginning to wonder if our baby had personality like that at all :-) SHE DOES! BAHAHA!