For the last 6 activities in Relief Society we have done sewing and craft projects. It has made me realize that despite that I love to sew by hand...I'm pretty sure I like using a sewing machine more. :-)
I've decided that that will be our next "big purchase". It would definitely benefit us as a family. I could finally patch Jim's jeans that have been sitting on the dresser for the last 3 months, and make the curtains for the baby's room and the bathroom. Sadly we will probably be saving for it until next year...Oh well.
Here are some pics of the project we just recently did...its a froggie baby towel
Friday, June 18, 2010
Thursday, June 17, 2010
Photography Studio
She is also growing so fast, and I want to get pictures of her in the outfits that she will soon grow out of...
I took a big pink blanket and pinned it halfway on the wall and draped the rest on the table. (Pic Above) Some shots turned out pretty good..
We don't have the an impressive professional camera so I had to make due. These are my favorites :-)
On a side note, we got the 3rd time she rolled over on video! she is so dang cute!
Saturday, June 5, 2010
Love has everything to do with it!
I am constantly being amazed at how my love grows. Just when I think I couldn't possibly love something or someone more, my joy and love increases yet again.
My heart swells as I am reminded of all the blessings in my life. I feel so over come with love and appreciation for what I have, words cannot adequately portray what I feel.
I have a beautiful daughter who loves her mom and dad, and we love her so very much. She gives big slobbery kisses and I love every one of them...even when that kiss suddenly turns into a spit up waterfall right down my shirt. I love that she loves to cuddle, and when she yells out so I think she is done with her nap, so I go get her, and she falls asleep right in my arms. I love that she knows who I am, and I love that she lets me paint her toe nails. :-) I love it when she smiles and her eyes sparkle. Her entire countenance shines so bright..(*even when she is upset...) I couldn't have asked for a better baby. She is so sweet and I love her so much.
You know those moments when your mom says how much she loves you and you just won't understand until you have your own...well...I had that moment. Every morning I wake up to feed her, and she is lying in my arms, I can't help but think, "Wow, you are my daughter, and I never thought I could love someone so much." and each morning my love and appreciation for her increases.
Of course I thought the same thing when I was dating Jim. I didn't think I could ever have feelings of love so strong for someone. Then we got engaged and my love for him increased even more! I couldn't believe it! Then...we got married, and my love increased exponentially.
I am so blessed to have a loving husband who would do anything to provide for his family and drop everything when we need him. He always knows just what to do. Ironically, he doesn't always consciously know what I'm feeling or how I'm feeling or why I'm feeling the way that I am...but he always does what I secretly want him to do but am too timid to mention it. There are several examples of this:
When I have a nightmare, and wake up in a jolt, I'll just lay there with my eyes open, afraid to go back to sleep for fear that the nightmare would continue. Then to my surprise Jim rolls over and puts his arms around me, pulls me in close and whispers over and over, "It's okay sweetheart. I'm here. Shhh. It's okay. Go back to sleep." So sweet. The best part: he is usually asleep when he does it, so he doesn't remember the next day.
When I feel like I'm an inadequate mother or wife, He'll come sit next to me and look into my eyes and say, "You know you are an amazing mom right?....because you are. And an amazing wife." or "Have I mentioned that I love you and you amaze me?...because you do"
When I felt sad or angry and didn't know why, and I just secretly wanted him to hold me and let me cry, but had other things to I was washing the dishes and cooking, Jim came up behind me, put his arms around me and didn't say a word. Just held me. That was all he needed to do, all I would have asked for.
I couldn't have asked for a better man suited for me. We are 100% honest and open with one another. If I have a question, I can ask. If I have a concern, I can tell him. Sure there have been hard times, but we've worked through them together. With help from our Father in Heaven, we will make it with flying colors!
Knowing that I have the blessing of being with him for eternity is the biggest comfort to me. Even more so, knowing I have an eternity with our little family...
They mean the world to me. And I am so thankful that The Lord loves us enough to bless us with each other.