On the second flight, from Denver to Provo, the plane was half empty! I WAS SO GLAD! because then I just strapped her in and put on a DVD when we got up in the air. :-) While we were on the ground, the guy behind me was playing peek-a-boo with her! (not gentleman because he looked like he was in his mid to late 20s). By this time it was almost 7pm and the girl had not had any nap at all! ( apparently she can't sleep with cute boys around ;-) lol) You could tell she was delirious because she was laughing or squealing at EVERTHING!! Especially the guy playing peek-a-boo! At one point I stopped putting my arm behind her (she was standing up to see over the seats...) and of course that was the time she jumped back and fell down between the seats and plopped onto the floor!! Then she wanted to snuggle, which of course I don't mind! ;-)
Can I just say, I LOVED FLYING WITH THE AIRLINE THAT WE WENT HOME ON!! They totally gave me the can of diet pepsi, and not just a dinky cup... :-P AND a hot chocolate chip cookie!! mmmmmm! IT WAS SOOO YUMMY! AND THEY WERE SO FRIENDLY!!
While everyone was exiting the plane I was waiting until everyone else got off so I didn't hold up the plane, but there was a break in the line so I went to go put on my bags and get ready to get off...upon which Angela got into the isle and bolted! I was like...ANGELA! WAIT BABY!...well wouldn't you know...the girl ran straight into the cockpit and climbed right up into the pilot's lap! I was kinda scared they would flip out because obviously we weren't supposed to be in there...so I was like "I'm so sorry..." and he just smiled and said, "Oh it's okay, do you want to take a picture??" ME: "........yes please! I don't think anyone would believe it if I don't...."

Of course, the hat. :-) I love that she wouldn't look at me...only at him...lol
THEN!! He put her down so I could take her and she walks herself right over the co-pilot seat and climbs right up...lol...I could not believe what I was seeing! Both flights, this girl wouldn't sit still unless I was feeding her something! (don't worry, she wasn't screaming so I was good!) But in this seat she sat there like this! for a good 2 minutes!...

And just scanned the room...probably deciding which button to push first! haha! ;-)

I mentioned that I had never really seen a cockpit before, and the pilot asked if I wanted to take a picture with her...of course I was like..."oh, no thank you..." HIM: "are you sure?" ME: "NO! IS THAT OKAY?" HIM: "Of course!" Then he took her while I sat in the co-pilot seat and then took our picture! :-D lol... (ignore that I have no neck! :-P)

So yes... that is my girl! :-) Then it was time to go, so I put her down and got up to exit the cockpit and said, "Okay baby girl, it's time to go. Say bye bye." To which she quickly replied "NOOOO!" and practically jumped back up into the pilots lap! lol and....would not let go of him!
haha! Who knows! Maybe she'll be a pilot?? lol All I know is she really did not want to leave!
Eventually we got off and entered freezing cold Provo weather!! :-) I honestly was pretty excited about winter! lol Having winter clothes definitely helps! :-)
My plane got in earlier than expected so Jim wasn't able to be waiting for me, but the sweet man had a dozen red roses and a pizza for me! :-) He walked right up and gave me a big hug and a big kiss! :-) He really did miss me!! I really enjoy going on trips back to my parents...but I think the part I enjoy the most is coming back! And I love that first hug that I get when I see him!! And I love that in that moment...his eyes say it all!! :-)
Angela was pretty excited to see her daddy too! She went up to him and gave him a hug and a kiss and then started talking away! lol
Poor thing! She was so tired, she fell asleep as soon as she was in her carseat and was totally mumbling in her sleep! haha it was cute! She didn't even wake up when we changed her into PJs, or put her down and she didn't have her binky. lol It was definitely a first!! AND SO FUNNY!