Wednesday, September 7, 2011


I will try as hard as I possibly can to make this short and sweet...but I think we all know it is gonna be a doozy!
Update on Angela!!

Where to begin???? haha

Christmas 2010: We thought she would be walking for sure but she had other plans so the stroller and doll that Ninny got her, didn't do much good at the time. Overall, Angela liked the paper more than anything else. :-)

January 2011: Angela turned 1!!! I can't even believe I have a 1 year old! When she turned one it was like a complete transformation! She wasn't the same baby! She knew all of her baby signs and used them to get what she wanted! She had a birthday party and would have eaten the entire cake if mommy would have let her! Man that girl can put it away! She even took her first steps on her birthday!!!

In April, on our way to TX to visit Ninny, I found out that Angela is quite a social butterfly! She went up to this random lady and put her head on her lap and just waited for her to scratch her head...haha! The lady just laughed and Angela patted her leg in response. lol. It was great! She LOVED the flight there! She would hold out her hands to the Flight Attendants for them to hold them, and several of them did! haha. On the way home however it was not so fun! She missed her nap, and wouldn't sleep. She wouldn't even eat the food for her. She was screaming, seriously the whole flight! 3 hours of joy...several times I just went to the bathroom and put her on the floor (yes I realize it was gross) and I just cried...I swore I'd never fly alone with her again! :-(

I can't really remember what she did in what months so I'll just list some of the things she does now...

-She sits in a big girl booster seat at the table with everyone else.

-Thanks to Aunt Emma (who is on her mission now) she can feed herself successfully!

-She can jump...almost getting both feet off the floor.

-She is in size 5 shoes now...I would love to just not get shoes, but her feet get dirty fast. :-P

-SHE LOVES WATCHING TANGLED!! She will actually sit through the whole movie! haha

-She sleeps without being swaddled, and now she only gets her binky when she goes to bed. Several times she has gotten her binky then come and taken me by the hand, walked me to her bed and said "night night". haha

-MAJOR MONKEY! She loves to climb!!

-Her favorite thing to do is climb on a bucket and flip over the couch, then run back around and do it again!

-She refuses to eat sometimes. In which case I go through the "this is your food so you'll eat it if you're really hungry" stuff. I usually win! ;-)

-She discovered the tree house at the mall! I still think she might be a little too little for it, but only because she almost gets run over every time! But she loves it! She won't actually go into the Tree house, but she'll try to go up and down the slide. :-)

-She has been in nursery since she was 14 months thanks to the policy in our ward they can go early! lol Mainly I'm sure because with all the kids in the ward they have 4 kids tops! Thank goodness for nursery too, because otherwise, I'm sure I would go inactive!!

-She is terrible on Sundays! All the other days she is a goober, but not bad...On Sunday, she is ridiculous. She has done everything from throwing a fit in sacrament which case she has to sit on our lap in the hall (She absolutely hates this, because people let their kids run all over and she can't join them) peeing on the carpet as soon as she is out of the tub! She'll refuse to eat. I just don't understand! But in church I hold it together pretty well. :-) Honestly at church, I ignore it...I'm sure everyone without kids thinks I'm such an inconsiderate person to all those trying to feel the spirit...but tough! :-P

-She LOVES lollipops, and applesauce, and string cheese (but doesn't know how to string it.)

-She will rock her baby. Walking around and bouncing saying "shh. shh. shh."

-She usually says thank you without being prompted. :-)

-She has a rough time sharing now...we had some friends over and the little boy touched her baby and she grabbed it from him and slapped him on the head! Could not believe she did that!

-She is still too young for the crayon menus...turn our head for one second and she ate half a crayon! Next thing you know...she is pooping green and blue. haha! (sry if that is over sharing!)

-She lets us brush her teeth every night. I forgot to mention that she now has 8 front teeth and 2 molars on each side!

-She also got her daddy's gap in her teeth. Which I think is adorable! :-)

-She loves the sound a cow makes. If you ask her what any animal says, first she'll say "mooooo!" Until you tell her what sound the animal actually makes. So far we have heard cow, monkey, pig, horse, sheep, donkey, dog, bird, and cat. That I can think of at the moment...

-Sometimes she sings. Of course not when people are around...but when Jim and I go "ahhhhhhhh" she will too! it is way funny! So cute!

-She can repeat what you say to her. :-) After hearing "sexy beast" and "vodka" repeated, we decided we need to be way more careful what we say around her! lol! FYI: "sexy beast" came from Aunt Emma saying mommy's nick name from girls camp, and "vodka" came from mommy being silly at a restaurant when Ange got a hold of the alcohol menu.

So far we have heard her say:

Mama- "mama"
Dada- "dadda"
binky- "dee dee"
night night-"nigh nigh"
glow worm- "bobo"
baby- "baby"
thank you- "tan tu"
tangled-sounds like Angel
robyn-"roy" haha
alasyn-sounds like Alice...
kevin-currently sounds like "ot dog"
bye bye- "BYE BYE!"
I love you- "I woah YOU!"
hello- "hewo"
apple sauce-"saa saas"
sorry- "sah ey"
shoes- "sues!"
socks- "sahs"

And I'm sure there are much much more....I just can't think of them. But including her sign vocabulary...I can't even count how many words she can say!

Sorry this was so long, but as you can see, Angela has grown SO much! I can't believe how fast she has grown, and that she is already talking! It is insane! I can't believe she will be 2 years old in 4 months! Hope this wasn't unbearably long... :-)


Update on Karisa....

I am still a stay at home mom. :-) Loving every minute of it still!! I keep thinking I want to go back to school, but I don't think that is realistic right now because we can't afford a steady babysitter and I don't want someone else to watch her for me. I honestly don't know how working moms do it...have someone watch the kids while they go to work. I feel like Angela has grown up so fast already...I can't imagine how fast she would grow up if I worked!!

I was babysitting a little boy 2 months older than Angela from like Jan to April...I think. They played so well together that it wasn't that bad. :-) They pretty much did their own thing and I was able to still get stuff done. Of course that was before either of them got to the "It's Mine!" stage. Emotionally it was a bit tough, but I made it through, since both of them took at least a nap a day and not at the same time. :-)

We went to Texas in April 2011, where my mom was awesome enough to let me work on my wedding album. I finished it in a week too!! My awesome dad would watch Ange and let me just go work with my mom. :-) There were several 1am nights spent scrapbooking, but it was worth it! I show it to pretty much everyone who comes over! It was sad to leave again though...I long for the days that we can be either a couple hours from our family or right around the corner. BUT I try to stay positive and love where I'm at! I don't like to favor one family over the other, and I try REALLY hard not to but I refuse to do the alternating holiday thing because I feel like I'm missing my sisters grow up already! I can't imagine alternating holidays because who knows if we'll get to see them at all that year. :-(

Elyssia came up for the 4th of July and we hiked the "Y" together! :-) in about 40 minutes I think...on the way down I got a little overzealous and was gaining some speed...I hear Elyssia say, "Slow down there Speedy Gonzales!" to which I reply, "I'm fine! I'm not going that-" and then I fall and scrape my knee pretty good! Of course this time I didn't bring towels...blood is gushing down my leg and everyone who is on their way up stops to ask if I'm okay. haha. Yes I was okay, I wasn't going to pass out. It looked alot worse than it was. It took FOREVER TO HEAL TOO! Leg was pretty bruised up too so it hurt to walk. So naturally, because I found something that I thought was so fun to do...(hike the Y).....I got hurt doing it and so I couldn't do it again! :-P LAME!

I sprained my ankle at a ward slip 'n slide (explanation later...) and am still healing and because of that plus my knee incident...haven't been able to work out for 2 months and it is killing me!! Sometimes my foot feels well enough to walk to the store and such, but after about an hour of walking it hurts and swells yet again. (RIDICULOUS FACT: It cost me $178 for the Dr. to tell me I had a cold. $89 for a print of the xray of my ankle. $119 because I went to get the Xray. And $93 to have the Dr. look at my ankle. That is $479 People!! And you wondered why I never want to go to the Dr! LUCKILY insurance put out $427.96, so I only owe 51.04...BUT STILL!! I'll think twice before I think I need to go to the Dr. again!! Not much motivation to see a Dr! :-P

I found a new love for Halo, and Xbox...

I discovered that my new favorite movie is Tangled and have watched it at least once a day since we got it...(almost 2 months ago) gets me EVERYTIME! lol I seriously haven't found a movie that I can honestly watch it over and over and I don't want to fast forward through parts...BUT I CAN WITH THIS ONE!!

I probably shouldn't but...I confess....I have been keeping up with the Kardashians...but when they start yelling and dropping the F-bomb...I mute it. I don't care to hear that crap. :-P

I gave in and finally tried on Skinny Jeans.....and.....LOVE THEM!! They are NOT the skinny jeans that look like they are vacuum sealed to your legs though... :-P Super flattering though! And I got the shoes that I was dying to get! And even better! they were only $6!! Pictures will be added later.... :-)

I turned 23! Weird! :-) Jim and I went to the Temple while a friend watched Angela. My sister Elyssia had lunch from Pizza Hut delivered. (AWESOME IDEA!) I kind of treated myself to 4 new dresses from Target. It has been a while since I've felt pretty, and man I felt pretty and sexy and everything(but ugly) in these dresses! to come...maybe. :-)

I am once again, finding myself unable to balance my daily tasks and being a mom...I have so much to do during the day, but all of it is so hard to do with Ange, and when she takes a nap, I find myself doing the same because I am exhausted! Any suggestions would be appreciated!

I feel like my post has gone on way too I'll stop...even though, I'm sure I could come up with more! haha...As much as I feel ridiculous saying it...that was the short and sweet version! :-P


Update on Jim...

For Jim's 25th birthday (4.8.11) we went shooting, me for the first time, him for his second. :-) It was pretty cool though! (*this is pathetic, but I'll have to ask him what he wants me to put about it.)haha!

He discovered he is married to an adrenalin junkie....(explanation later)

Jim made it through his summer semester of school which took a lot out of him. Although he loved the class, he didn't get his summer break so now it is a bit harder to want to go to school now...BUT he is doing great in my opinion!! He is taking way more credits this semester than previously so it'll be hard but completely worth it. He had to go all year round so he can graduate a year earlier! (2013 feels so close I can taste it!!!!) Summer of 2012 (aka: this summer!) he will have to do an internship (any leads...feel free to let us know.) His work suggested that motorola would probably be good and because his experience in the Radio shop, he has a good chance. Then his capstone, which is a year long project...Fall then Winter semesters, then he is DONE!! We are all way excited!! Also as a plus...although he is taking alot of credits this semester, (he'll be gone from 8am to 6/8pm Monday through Thursday) he has made sure that he has Fridays off work and school so he'll have 3 day weekends ALL semester!! :-) I realize that with 13 credits of Engineering courses he won't necessarily be focused on me all Friday, but still!! It is easier to make it through only 4 days of classes for me! :-)

Jim said that to celebrate his graduation he wants to take a cruise! :-) (Considering our lack of a honeymoon...I completely think this is doable!! We will get 2 more tax returns before he graduates so pretty much all of it is going into savings for the cruise. Jim is leaning towards an Alaskan cruise so that we don't get bombarded by the poor people begging for money at the ports on Mexican and Caribbean cruises...I on the other hand don't really want to be cold on a cruise....but time away is time away! We'll drop off Ange with Ninny and Grandpa Richard and head off! Flying first class has come up a couple of times...(because I would like to fly First class at least once in my lifetime! and as more kids come...the odds of that happening will get less and less!) for now we are just toying with the idea...


*Sorry if it seems like it isn't much of an but he doesn't do much on his own...haha

HELLO BLOG...IT'S BEEN A LONG TIME! yet again, I am ridiculously bad at keeping up with the blog and now TONS HAS HAPPENED!! That is where I get stuck. I really want to do more blog posts but I feel like I have so much to catch up on that it would take an ENORMOUS post to do what do I do? Procrastinate it of course...haha! Which only makes it worse BECAUSE MORE AND MORE HAPPENS!! Okay, so this is my attempt to make amends...posts to come...I promise! :-) just one person at a time...haha