My beautiful girl is growing up SOOOO fast!!!
A lot has happened with Angela since the last time I posted about her!!
Where to begin????
We started feeding her solids. Jim is hilarious and dare I say, has a phobia of feeding her. haha I think it is just the typical baby flings food and spits it, and as brave as he is....doesn't wanna mess with that! haha We started her with pears...and I was definitely afraid that she wouldn't like her veggies after having fruit. But sure enough! she LOVES her veggies! It is so funny! So far she has had carrots, peas, green beans, squash, sweet potatoes, pears, and bananas. The only one she did not care for was bananas. Unfortunately, bananas were pretty much
what I stocked up on. Go figure. BUT a friend from home (Christy Wardle) send me a recipe for banana bread, using baby food! And it is pretty good!
She is not completely crawling yet, but she is not slow by any means. She hasn't figured out her hands and how they work with her legs. Resulting in a *scoot, scoot, flop* motion to get where she wants to go. Including, exploring the bathroom, her bedroom, and our bedroom. Once while I was in the kitchen baking, it got a little too quiet for comfort. When I went to see what she was doing, I didn't see her! Come to find out, she went into the bathroom and in her shuffle to get all the way in, shut the door. Well, when I went to get her out, she was too close to the door for me to open it. I stayed calm because there wasn't anything where she could get to, but for about 5 minutes I had to sit there slowly opening the door to see if she had moved yet. *All ended well :-)
She LOVES to find cords around the house. Luckily, we don't have many
out where she can get to, but every once in a while when we aren't completely focused on her, the cord will be pulled out of the laptop and suddenly go dark. It is actually pretty funny,
but we try to discourage her from doing so.
She LOVES her walks! She knows when she is put in the stroller
that she is going for a walk and will sit there patiently looking at the door. Unl
ess she is there for too long, then she'll squeal about it until she is either taken out, or the stroller starts moving. She also loves grass. She doesn't like to eat it, which is nice, but she likes to crawl and sit in it.
For the first time she reached out and actually pushed away from mommy to get to daddy. It made Jim feel pretty special. And seeing his face light up because she really wanted him made me smile really big! and it was so dang cute!
She LOVES to give mommy sweet kisses
She LOVES to give REALLY big slobbery kisses too!

And she can be pretty serious for a sweet girl sometimes.