This picture has nothing to do with the post but I thought it was pretty cool.
(TJ=Tomato Juice...Our car is red...I think that is why Jim named it that)
TJ (our mazda protege) has just about had it I think. It is kind of a bitter-sweet situation, really.
We were deciding between driving or flying to Texas for Thanksgiving. Jim was leaning more towards flying, I was more on driving. We were confused, seeing as how we usually line up on issues like that. So we decided to wait a while and see how we feel later.
After about a week, we decided on driving but still kept a look out for good ticket prices. A couple days later we found out that the Lord has provided us with an opportunity to get a new car. (new for us) Initially we thought that it was a nice thought, however, after recieving the offer, a week or so after we decided that we needed to drive to Texas for Thanksgiving, TJ decided to let us know that he is kind of giving up. (Either that or he does not approve of this.)
He has a really hard time getting going. Not sure why, but no matter what the gas/clutch ratio he jerks until you switch to 2nd gear. Its quite frustrating and forces the driver to be very safe...so pray you aren't in a hurry or don't need to get out of the way fast....might end in disaster.
This has led us to believe that it was not a coincidence that this opportunity came about, but rather our Heavenly Father looking out for us, through inspiring others to update their vehicles ;-)
*SWEET PART- we are getting a new, air conditioned car :-) BITTER PART- TJ is dying. :-(
So exciting you are getting a new car, yet I understand the memories and history older vehicles can have. I am always amazed at just how much God truly does provide! He always seems to be giving us just what we need at the right moment, doesn't He? He sure provided a 3 BR house for us for a reason. We just did not know it at the time! :) So what kind of car are you getting?
Camry...thats all I can remember right now...haha. Did you find the house before you found out about the baby? That is so cool! I am also constantly reminded that the Lord knows our needs and is looking out for us.
You will love the Camry. Toyotas are pretty good cars. Don't Larry and Colleen have a Camry? The way we found the house was quite strange;you can definitely say God had His hand in it! John had stopped at Casey's in Perry and ran into a realtor. He had asked if we were still looking to buy a house here. John had told him we were looking for a house, but we were not in the position to buy. We were looking for a house we could do owner financing on. He told us he may know someone who may be interested in doing that. The next day my Mom called to let me know about an ad in the paper for a house for rent in Perry. We called and looked at the house a couple day later, and it was the same house the realtor had spoke to us about. We are going to rent the house until the contract with the realtor runs out (later this month), and then we are going to look at doing the owner financing. When we paid our deposit for the house, we had no idea we were pregnant. We were planning on using the 3rd bedroom as a spare BR, but now it will be the baby's room. God has provided for us in so many ways over the past year! :)
Wow! That is awesome! :-) Yes Larry and Colleen have a Camry. And I think they actually just got a new one too. Although I'm not sure if they got a Camry. I think so though.
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